Online Course Registration

EHS Biosafety (Principal Investigator/Supervisor) - 2025

Environmental Health and Safety

This course is designed for Principal Investigators, Laboratory or Facility supervisors and managers, research associates, and designates of a U of G Biohazard Permit.

The course outline is as follows:
- Pathogen and Toxin compliance
- Containment Level 2 Procedures and Practices
- Emergency Response
- Biosecurity
- Inventory Control
- Equipment Maintenance
- Housekeeping
- Medical Surveillance
- Biohazard Import, Transfer and Purchase
- Biohazard Disposal

Following review of the modules, you are required to complete a brief quiz. Completion of the quiz with a grade of at least 75% or greater, will fulfill your training requirements.

Principal Investigators, Laboratory or Facility supervisors and managers, research associates, and designates of a U of G Biohazard Permit. Investigative staff ( lab personnel, animal care personnel) involved in the use of potentially infectious materials including microorganisms and human source material are welcome to take to this course.
  • Biosafety
Gausiya Khan, Biosafety Officer
Online Training

A University of Guelph central login (username/password) is REQUIRED to access all online EHS courses offered through Courselink.
If you do not currently have a UG central login, please connect with your University contact, supervisor or department administrator to arrange for one.

Online training
Gausiya Khan x53190

To register for this event, please provide us with your